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                                                   Buying one of our Puppies

Boutique (small scale) breeder


As noted our primary emphasis is to produce miniature schnauzer puppies that closely match the “standard” of the American Kennel Club.  As a result our breeding program is small and exclusive with the focus on quality not quantity.   Anyone interested in our puppies may have to wait, so contact in advance is important. 


We also want to know about potential homes for our puppies; so early contact will help to establish communication.


Breeder of Merit


The American Kennel Club designates certain breeders that meet strict criteria as Breeder of Merit.  We achieved that designation and continue to meet the on-going requirements. 


Health and Veterinary Care


Our practice is that each puppy receives two or more well puppy visits to a veterinarian along with two doses of vaccine before going to a new home.  We also strongly urge taking a new puppy to the veterinarian of the new owner within two weeks. 


Dogs with health problems or that produce genetic defects are eliminated from our breeding program.  Never-the-less, just like humans genetic variations do occur.  If a genetic problem is ever discovered the puppy will be replaced.


Just like humans, the long-term health of a dog is often determined by lifestyle issues.  Dogs that do not get adequate exercise, are overweight, or have poor diets can develop a wide variety of non-genetic health problems.  Please make sure the dogs gets adequate exercise is not over-weight and is not fed table scraps or excessive “treats.” 


Dental Care is the most over-looked home care treatment for dogs.  Use of soft or wet dog food contribute to tooth decay but even with dry kibble tarter can build up on the teeth.  There are several good canine tooth pastes now available and some only require rubbing small amounts on the dog’s teeth without brushing.   Loss of teeth by dogs without home dental care is not covered in the genetic guarantee. 


Pet and Show Prospects


Each litter is planned with the intent that the highest quality show dogs will  result.  During the past forty years nearly 100 champions have been produced and of course not all are owned or shown by Carma.  Her first #1 miniature schnauzer, Carmel Race to Kelvercrest, was sold as a young puppy to Vera Potiker.  Many other top winners have also been sold as show prospects as puppies. 


Just because both sire and dam are champions does not mean that every puppy in the litter is a future champion.  Pet puppies are available from most litters and need loving homes to join.


Most puppies that will be pets are sold with “no breeding agreements.”     


Puppy Socialization


Nature or Nuture, which is strongest? We certainly see the personality of the dam and sire show through with puppies but we also believe that the environment during the first days and weeks impact the personalities as adults.   Every litter is provided at least the following;

  • Six surfaces by Six weeks; puppies crawl or walk on a variety of floor surfaces to give them experiences and exposure to a variety of settings.

  • As soon as the puppies are ready for weaning they are moved to the family room where they interact with our family as well as visitors, and experience noises from normal family living.

  • Although we no longer have young children, we have grandchildren that visit and play with the puppies helping them be accustomed to little people with quick movements and loud voices.

  • House breaking is finished in the new home but the puppies become paper trained very quickly because of the miniature schnauzer’s aversion to soiling the area where they eat and sleep.




Our price for puppies is lower than many  nationally known breeders because of our location.  Pet and show prospects prices will vary.  Please contact Carma for details when puppies are available.   


Cost of the transportation to a new home is not included in the price of a puppy.

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